Sunday, September 28, 2008


Emily has grown up here and loves the beach so we went to Araha Beach Park for the shoot. It was bright and early but the light turned out so pretty. The four above are some of my favorites. It's hard to go wrong with such a beautiful subject!

The Oshman Family

What a bunch of cute kids! I got to work with the Oshmans this morning and photograph them at their place of ministry. They are missionaries here with The Harbor. We did the shoot in their Italian wonderland coffee shop and finished everything off with an iced espresso. Delicious.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Rathmell Family

This family has been just amazing ever since we got off the plane and they met us with a big basket of food. I'm so happy to know these people! Photographing them on "their beach" was lots of fun and only involved one clothing change due to a fully dressed child deciding to go for a swim in the ocean.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Market Day at Schilling Community Center

Come to Schilling Community Center on Kadena tomorrow for Market Day! I'll have a booth set up with my photography on display. If you reserve your portrait session date tomorrow, you will get a bonus with your print order. Show up anytime between 10 am and 3 pm. Hope to see you there!